Posts by Sarah Tombling

Posts by Sarah Tombling

Mark’s Monday Message

Morning all. As we come to the end of our short preaching series on the letter of James, I wanted to reflect on his final, and possibly most important words, which are about prayer. In James 5:13-18 he mentions prayer 7 times in reference to almost every aspect of life. He says, if you’re happy – you should pray – give thanks to God. If you’re suffering –…

Mark’s Monday Message

Happy Mondays all! As we enter the summer period I thought it would be useful to clarify what we will be doing on Sundays over the next 6 weeks. Our 8:30am services will continue as usual. Our 10:30 services will begin with a couple of gathering songs so that we can worship all-together and the young people will then move through to the hall where there will be a number…

Mark’s Monday Message

It was an absolute privilege this weekend to attend the ordination of Rachel Clark who was with us as an ordinand for a year in 2022-3. Rachel is now beginning her curacy at St Mary’s church, West Horsley, Guildford. The weekend before we had our annual church camp and enjoyed great weather and fantastic fellowship, fun and food. We are indebted to the camp team for…

Mark’s Monday Message

Good Evening all, This Sunday we will be starting our Summer-term series on John’s gospel. In particular we will be looking at how the gospel as a whole, and in particular the miracles of Jesus, point towards the resurrection. Each miracle acts as a ‘sign’ which points to a greater reality building up to the ultimate miracle – the overcoming of death,…

Mark’s Monday Message

Happy Mondays all!As you will be aware, next week is Holy Week and so we will be holding a number of events in order to mark it in a typical St Johns way. On Monday (25th) you can join us for Morning Prayer in the church hall at 9am. (Bring a device with the ‘Daily Prayer’ app if you would like to join in with the liturgy and readings).  On Maundy Thursday we…

Mark’s Monday Message

Tarry Awhile – chapter 3: Movement – read Gen 11:31-Gen 12:4 Terah took his son Abram and his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, his son Abram’s wife, and they went out together from Ur of the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan; but when they came to Haran, they settled there. The days of Terah were two hundred five years; and Terah…

Mark’s Monday Message

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Given that last Monday was Blue Monday, I thought that today I would encourage some thanksgiving to raise our spirits. I am so grateful for our fellowship at St John’s and for all that God is doing in us and through us. Ali and I…

Mark’s Monday Message

1 Thess 5:16-18: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Prayer As I have been preparing for a new year, I have had a real sense that God is calling us back to the simplicity and importance of prayer, both individually and corporately and hence the focus on prayer for 2024.…


SUMMER SERVICES 2023 – MISSION FOCUS 0830 Communion Service will follow the Lectionary readings each week TEA/COFFEE AVAILABLE IN THE HALL FROM 9.15-10.15am 1030 services will be all-age friendly with the following themes: 6th August: TELL – an overview of the five marks of mission. 13th August: TEACH – with the Bible Society  20th August: TEND – with Compassion 27th…

Mark’s Monday Message

Happy Monday all!Plans are moving fairly swiftly with regards to our church’s 60th Anniversary week and so I wanted to let you know what we will have in store so that you can save the dates and offer to help out! Monday 30th October – Eco-themed Dance Evening Hosted by St John’s Eco-group this will involve 3 performances of dance in the church and a showcase…

Mark’s Monday Message

Happy Mondays all Rachel did a great job yesterday in encouraging us to share our faith in Jesus with others and to be prepared to do that by knowing the power of the gospel, our testimony, the voice of God, our identity and our citizenship in heaven. Our mission, as we have been reminded weekly through looking at Acts, is to go and make disciples of all nations and we…

Mark’s Monday Message

What a great weekend! So grateful to the camp team of Amy, Charlotte, David, George, Jon, Karen, Liz, Ali and Denise for all they did to ensure we all had such a wonderful time. From booking bouncy castles and loos, arranging dates and payment for the site, taking food orders, fundraising, meal planning and cooking, assembling the electrics and lights, organising teams to…

Mark’s May Message

Definitely a camping theme to today’s message. Many thanks to everyone who has already given towards the church camp on 9th – 11th June which will take place up at the farm (directions to get there will be shared nearer the time). We already have the bouncy castle booked and lots of activities planned so make sure you are free that weekend. There will be another…

Mark’s Monday Message

Happy Mondays all. Hope you had a good weekend and the new week has started well for you. We had a great time with our young people at Forest Church yesterday afternoon and the weather was perfect. Massive thanks to David T who coordinated so much of it, but also to Nicky, Mark and Jon and so many others for creating a great atmosphere and fantastic activities as well as…


Happy Tuesday all. Hope the week has started well for you. There are a couple of weeks left of the official connect groups (although I’m sure some may continue). I have had some lovely feedback from various hosts. A few people will be meeting on the last Wednesday of each month for an hour, from 10am to 11am to give the church hall a tidy and clean. If you would…

Mark’s Monday Message

Happy Monday all. We had a good time in church again yesterday continuing our study of the book of Acts. It sounds like the children had an equally fantastic time and I hear rumours that crickets were being consumed (talk about an interactive bible study of John the Baptist!) It is time to unveil the options for our Lent Connect Groups and you can find all the details…

Mark’s Monday Message

What a great time we had in church yesterday at the 10:30 service with all of our families and over 30 children and youth. I am so grateful to Lou and so impressed with our youth band who led us in worship so brilliantly. We had fun learning about the different roles of the Holy Spirit and prayed for one another to be filled and equipped for God’s mission in our…


Happy New Year all! (How late can you leave it to say that?) I hope you have all had a good Christmas and are feeling hopeful for 2023. Ali and I are so grateful for our church family – for the joy of celebrating the birth of Jesus together during the month of Advent and Christmas services and for the generous gifts we received from you. There were so many highlights – an…


As I write, we are preparing for the first ever (in this country) winter football World Cup and so our Christmas preparations and celebrations may this year be interspersed with activities normally associated with the summer. (It may be that some of you are even planning a barbeque or two given the relatively warm weather we’ve been having?!) It got me thinking about the…

Mark’s Thursday Message

Evening all, we have some exciting events and services coming up in the next few weeks – starting with Doug Horley this Friday. Please pray for this event. Doug will be ‘performing’ his Christmas bubble show to those who have acquired tickets on Eventbrite between 5 and 6:30pm. Many thanks to those who have offered to help out with stewarding and meals for the…