Carol Service
If you would like to view this year’s Carol Service (look out for some familiar faces from around the village) then just follow this YouTube link: Thank you to all the participants and tech team.
Christingle Mornings
As we can’t hold our usual service this year, we are hosting two Christingle mornings on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd December. Come along and make your Christingle in the church or hall in your family/support groups or collect a takeaway kit to make them at home. No need to book – just come along between 10.00am and midday on either morning.
See the angels
Hope Joy Love Peace Pray
Advent Map
Is now available to help you follow the trail – use the record sheet to record your progress – have fun!
Horsham Christmas Goings On
HORSHAM VIRTUAL PRAYER ROOM FOR ADVENT (Sunday 29 November – Thursday 24 December) During this season of prayer, join 340 members of the Horsham Virtual Prayer Room for Advent which is a continuation of the Horsham Virtual Prayer Room which ran for 11 days during Thy Kingdom Come in May: During Advent, there will be regular…
We’re excited to announce our Advent Window Trail – the map will be posted soon.
Lockdown Gallery
Visit our new gallery (under the Community tab) to enjoy the beauty and splendour of God’s creation. An opportunity to get beyond your four walls within your four walls … enjoy.
Tear Fund Quiz
Thank you to the competing teams and congratulations to the winners – The Gardening Club. We raised over £650 so an even bigger thank you to everyone who donated.
Alpha Course
An informal opportunity to explore the Christian faith. We will be meeting via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm and watching the Alpha Course video material before breaking into small discussion groups. If you would like to find out more or to join us please contact our Vicar, Mark: or our Administrator, Sarah:
Fruity Treasure Hunt
Walk 7 for Yemen
South Downs Awakening
We’re delighted to say that our church building will be opening for private, silent prayer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Monday 22nd June. 1-2pm on each of these days. Please read and observe the guidelines below to try and ensure we all keep each other safe from Covid-19. THANK YOU. Please use the hand sanitiser on arrival and departure Please pray…
Podcast: Roving Rog
Clean-up and Create; a Bright New Future
HEARING YOU – A local response to the Coronavirus crisis
Virtual Services
During lockdown we are continuing to ‘meet’ and worship as a church family, mostly via Zoom, but on first Sundays a pre-recorded reflective service will be released on YouTube at 10.30am. Audio recordings of all these services can be found on our Sermons page and the calendar is being updated regularly with news of other virtual gatherings.
One Good Friday 2020 programmes
New Vicar is Here!
As of 2pm on 26th March, we have a new Vicar at St John’s – a huge (if virtual) welcome to Rev Dr Mark Lavender. Here is his first message to the church family: A MESSAGE FROM MARK LAVENDER, NEW VICAR AT ST JOHN’S BBH: These are strange and unprecedented times and we are all just realising what this new world means for us in terms of ‘meeting together’ as…