Mark’s Monday Message

Mark’s Monday Message

Happy Monday all. We had a good time in church again yesterday continuing our study of the book of Acts.

It sounds like the children had an equally fantastic time and I hear rumours that crickets were being consumed (talk about an interactive bible study of John the Baptist!)

It is time to unveil the options for our Lent Connect Groups and you can find all the details here:

Inevitably a few more may be advertised next Monday as inspiration is contagious, but I would encourage you to look at the list and contact Sarah in the church office to find out more details. There is a good mixture of creativity, study, exercise and fun and hopefully something for everyone, but if not, there is still time to suggest a group of your own – as long as you let me know by the weekend.

Huge thanks to all of those who have volunteered to host and organise the various groups – let’s encourage them all by taking up their offers and enjoying connecting with new people over this time.

Have a great week
