Mark’s Monday Message

Mark’s Monday Message

Good Evening all,

This Sunday we will be starting our Summer-term series on John’s gospel. In particular we will be looking at how the gospel as a whole, and in particular the miracles of Jesus, point towards the resurrection. Each miracle acts as a ‘sign’ which points to a greater reality building up to the ultimate miracle – the overcoming of death, not just for Jesus but to all who believe in Him.

This Sunday there will also be an opportunity for anyone who wants to be ‘received’ into the Church of England. It is an opportunity for anyone who does not feel the need to be confirmed but who nonetheless would wish to be formally admitted into the Church of England to renew their baptism vows and be prayed for in front of their church family. It is a useful route for anyone wishing to pursue roles within the diocese such as authorised lay ministries or other volunteer roles but also an opportunity to acknowledge our faith publicly. Could you please let me know by Friday evening if you would like to take part in this short service which will be during our 10:30am worship.

I would also like to draw your attention to the Evening of Dance in aid of the church renewal fund which will take place on Saturday 1st June. The evening will involve expert tuition in Ballroom, Latin, Line, Sequence and Barn dancing with music by David Read. Tickets will include a Ploughman’s and there will be a pudding auction during the interval. (Please could you consider providing a cake or pudding to donate to the auction even if you are not attending). Tickets and more information from the Church Office.

Other events coming up for your diaries are our The Big Brekkie (18th May), APCM (19th May) and Church Camp (21st-23rd June).

I’m sure you will be delighted to hear that Rachel Clark has completed her studies at St Mellitus and will be ordained at Guildford cathedral on 30th June before starting her curacy in Guildford diocese.

Enjoy the rest of your week and see you on Sunday!
