Mark’s Monday Message

Mark’s Monday Message

Today I thought I’d remind you of the quote I used from Bonhoeffer in his book Life Together:

 “I must release the other person from every attempt of mine to regulate, coerce, and dominate (them) with my love. The other person needs to retain (their) interdependence of me; to be loved for what (they) are; as one for whom Christ became man, died and rose again…”

This quote suggests a deep humility in the way that we love and relate to one another, that we should not expect to be able to carry one another’s burdens as if we transfer them from one to another but we are to help one another to “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22). Of course, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t share our concerns and anxieties with one another, that is what loving people do, but the source of life, of transforming power and freedom for all of us is Jesus and he is the one that we should always direct one another to in our conversations and our prayers as the author and perfector of our faith.

For our Wednesday evening prayer meeting this week, we will be focussing on the young people of our town after the recent tragedies, and lifting them up to God, interceding on their behalf and asking for His transforming hope for them. Please join us.

Have a wonderful week
