Albeit posted on Thursday this week …!
Yesterday I spoke about authentic spirituality and the way of life that Jesus calls us to as well as the joy that is available to those who already have the kingdom of God and who anticipate its fullness in the future. I drew attention, using Jesus’ words in Luke 6 that there are two types of people:
Those who attempt to satisfy their desires with material goods, a good reputation, power and influence, who look out for themselves first and others after; and those who are ‘poor in spirit’ – who are not dependent on their own wealth or achievements but on God’s word. The latter are dissatisfied with the world and long for what God has to give them rather than try to satisfy their needs with what the world has to offer or what they themselves can achieve.
I spoke about having a generosity of spirit and that if we are truly committed to the way of life that embraces God’s kingdom then it should be noticeable and measurable by our attitude to giving financially, serving and a willingness to be discipled (predominantly within the church).
I hope that the various Connect Groups that are planned for Lent will in some way enable us to be more accountable to one another and foster new and deeper relationships where we are able to learn from (and disciple) one another as we together grow closer to Jesus.