Mark’s Monday Message

Mark’s Monday Message

What a great time we had in church yesterday at the 10:30 service with all of our families and over 30 children and youth. I am so grateful to Lou and so impressed with our youth band who led us in worship so brilliantly. We had fun learning about the different roles of the Holy Spirit and prayed for one another to be filled and equipped for God’s mission in our lives. (And we got to see some of Rachel’s onesie collection!)

Bookings have now closed for the breakfast on Saturday, but no booking required for the winter walk at 1:30pm next Sunday afternoon

On Sunday 19th February between 12:30 and 3:30pm there will be a pancake party for families with children of all ages including a jacket potato lunch (£2 per person). Please let Lynfa know ( ) if you would like to attend.

During Lent we will be running ‘connect groups’ – a chance to meet weekly for social and spiritual refreshment with others. If you have ideas for a group and would be willing to host it for the six weeks between February 22nd and 6th April, please let me know by this Sunday and I will be publicising all the groups next Monday in my weekly email.

Although the deadline has passed for early bird bookings for New Wine Summer camp it is only £20 per person extra to book now for Week A: 26th – 30th July. The main morning speaker is Glenn Packiam of Rockharbor church and it is an opportunity to worship alongside thousands of others with brilliant seminars and an impressive children and youth program. Added to that, the location is the Kent Event Centre, Maidstone, ME14 3JF – in good traffic under an hour’s drive away! Check out the bookings page: (You could even come home every evening if you didn’t want to camp!)

A number of us will also be attending the Ichthus camp from 29th July to 5th August (no time to dry out the tent!). The tagline for this year is: “God is calling his church to rise up and run with faith, to seek first his unshakable kingdom and to be carriers of his eternal peace.” Bookings can be made here:

So, plenty to be looking forward to over the coming months. I would also like to encourage you to be following us as we go through the book of Acts week by week on Sunday in church. You may want to study the chapters each week at house group or just incorporate it into your daily readings. In order to help this, I will be posting a set of questions that can be used for this purpose, starting from next week on Acts 6.

Have a great week!
