Mark’s Monday Message

Mark’s Monday Message

Morning all

What an eventful long weekend. Thanks to everyone who helped out at the village Jubilee picnic: particularly to Martin for supplying the ‘throne’ and mirror, Jon, William, Tim and James for helping to set up, Ali and Fiona for managing the stall, Vroni and the boys for keeping us fed and others for keeping us company throughout. We had great fun decorating crowns and reminding people how God sees them by sitting them on a throne in front of a mirror and using statements based on scripture like: I was wonderfully made, I am forever loved, I am royalty, I am made in God’s image, I am God’s masterpiece, I am forever loved, I was made to be fruitful. Next up is the first Saturday of July where we will be hosting a prayer tent and refreshments at the village fete.

Over the next two months we will be looking at the theme of ‘hearing God’ in our Sunday services using a number of recent contemporary books written on the theme by Dallas Willard, Pete Greig and John Mark Comer. We will be looking at why and how we can hear God in the every day through scripture, words, nature and through God’s still, quiet voice.

Don’t forget that church camp is coming up on 12th – 14th August.

Have a great week
