Mark’s Thursday Message

Mark’s Thursday Message

Evening all, we have some exciting events and services coming up in the next few weeks – starting with Doug Horley this Friday. Please pray for this event. Doug will be ‘performing’ his Christmas bubble show to those who have acquired tickets on Eventbrite between 5 and 6:30pm. Many thanks to those who have offered to help out with stewarding and meals for the team.

Sunday is our Nativity Service and we are hoping that you will all make an effort to dress up as your favourite nativity characters for the 10:30am service. If you needed a few suggestions here are some: Mary, angel, innkeeper, cow, pig, or sheep, Jesus, Shepherds, sheep, wise men. Of course, there are others, but these are the ones specifically mentioned in our script this year.

Later in the month we have our Carol Service (on 18th December at 7pm). Charlotte and Ian are putting together a choir for the service and if you would like to take part – there will be a rehearsal after church around 11:45 – 12:30 both this and the following Sunday. The evening will be a mixture of traditional carols and modern Christmas songs with a pinch of Slade thrown in for fun at the end.

Looking forward to celebrating with you all over the coming month
