Mark’s Hallowmus Message

Mark’s Hallowmus Message

I hope you have had a very Happy Hallowmus! All Saints Day has traditionally been a day to celebrate and remember all the saints from Christian history. And if you’re wondering what makes someone a saint? – if you are a follower of Jesus, God calls you a ‘saint’ (from 1 Corinthians chapter 1: “To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints…”)

So, to those that don’t like the sinister undertones of the modern-day festival of Halloween, do not be dismayed – there is a history of using the evening in a positive way and many churches do so by celebrating with ‘light parties’ and declaring ‘on this dark night, we give you light!

We certainly did that last night as we gave out over 100 ‘bags of hope’ to the residents of BBH which included glow sticks, candles and gospels (as well as sweets, hot chocolate and candy floss!) Thanks to the amazing team who helped out. We had so many positive comments and reactions.

We also had a great time in the church hall with the youth and children on Sunday morning during the 10:30 service with their own celebration and worship with a brilliant live band made up of young people. My thanks to Lynfa and Lou and others for organising such a wonderful time.

This Sunday is our monthly all-age service where we will be looking at the theme of ‘first fruits’ and I look forward to seeing you all there with your dancing trousers on!

Happy Hallowmus!
