Mark’s Monday Message

Mark’s Monday Message

1 Thess 5:16-18: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


As I have been preparing for a new year, I have had a real sense that God is calling us back to the simplicity and importance of prayer, both individually and corporately and hence the focus on prayer for 2024. There are a number of upcoming initiatives to enable us to do this:

Sunday evenings at 7pm – we will gather weekly to pray in the church hall. This will be an opportunity to primarily listen to God and seek his direction for us. (Please note that in order to attend the HCT combined service this will not take place next week).

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18th – 25th January – an opportunity to pray alongside other churches in Horsham (see attachment). This includes a combined service at St Mary’s on Sunday 21st at 6pm and St John’s BBH will be hosting the meeting on Monday 22nd at 7:30pm.

Friday 1st March is the World Day of Prayer, with the focus this year being on Palestine. There are 3 local opportunities to gather at 10:30am (St Mark’s), 1:30pm (St John’s Catholic church) and 7pm (Brighton Rd).WDP 2024 Poster-125702-.pdf

We have also begun a teaching series on the topic of prayer.

Church Roles

A number of the teams who help out on Sundays could also do with a boost. In particular we are looking for people to join the intercessions, flower arranging and coffee teams.

Connect Groups

As Lent approaches, we would love to offer Connect Groups again for the 6 weeks between 14th Feb and 31st March. Connect groups are opportunities to gather with others on a weekly basis for fellowship and fun. Examples in the past have been National Trust group, vinyl music club, bible study, bowls and climbing groups … but anything that is an opportunity to get to know others in the church during the period of Lent would be welcome. I am particularly keen to introduce an element of prayer to each group this year, even if it is not the main focus.

I would also be keen to hear from anyone willing to begin either hosting or leading a house group beginning after Easter.

Phil 4:5,6: The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.