The Big Brekkie – Sat 19th May

The Big Brekkie – Sat 19th May

As part of Christian Aid Week activities, St John’s will be taking part in ‘THE BIG BREKKIE’ again this year

On Saturday, May 19th, we will be serving Breakfast in the Hall from 08.00 until 11.00. We know this clashes with another major event but if you come early there will be plenty of time to enjoy both.

The menu will be:

Full English cooked breakfast, (veggie option available)  or

Yummy, sticky, sweet pancakes with maple syrup and bananas, or blueberries and yogurt, or

A healthy fruit, granola and yogurt alternative

      ……… unlimited  Tea, coffee, toast and marmalade

Please invite your friends and neighbours.

There will be no charge for the food but we hope that you will like to make a generous donation to support the work of Christian Aid. Last year we served 72 breakfasts and  raised over £700

If you would like to come, it would help if you could email with your preferred food option (1, 2, or 3 above) so that we can ensure we have plenty of food but avoid too much wastage.

Offers of help with serving and clearing would also be greatly appreciated.