Dawn and Jonathan Clark

Dawn and Jonathan Clark


Working with IFES in Athens
Discipleship & evangelism with university students
Translation of Christian books into Greek and leading children’s Sunday school


We’ve been living in Athens since January 2007 and are involved in gospel ministry among students. We work with ethos_ΣΧΕΦ – the Greek student movement – a member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (www.ifesworld.org). ethos_ΣΧΕΦ is committed to mission among students: driven by the Bible, centred on the gospel, devoted to Jesus Christ and effective at communicating his good news to the 400,000 students in Greece. 

We want to see believing students growing in the knowledge, faith and trust in the Lord Jesus and sharing the hope that they have in him with those around them. We do this through training, encouraging and supporting students in their discipleship and witness, as we open up the Bible and see together just how good the good news about Jesus is. We want to echo Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 2:8 “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” 

Being involved in the Christian Union movement as students (www.uccf.org.uk) was really influential in our own growth as Christians and we believe that it is a strategic ministry to be involved in – giving us a chance both to reach young people in their student years and to train believers for a lifetime of service in local churches, building conviction, competence and character so that the body of Christ is built up.

The church in Greece is small and marginalised, and there is a great need for young people gripped by the gospel of Christ and grounded in Scripture to be workers, neighbours, friends, husbands and wives, Sunday school teachers, holders of public office and so on, who will shine as lights as they hold out the word of life in Greece and beyond. We are active members of a local Greek evangelical church and participate in various aspects of church life, including Sunday School and Summer Camp.

Through the various work with children and families, and an increasing awareness of the rich resources available to the English-speaking world, we have become involved in translating Christian children’s literature – Story Bibles and Bible storybooks. Our little team of translators and the small work we’ve been doing has developed into a whole ministry – Priscilla. 

Priscilla’s mission is to get quality Christian children’s literature into homes across the Greek-speaking world. We want to equip families to be engaging with gospel truths, in Greek, in their homes. We want to produce excellent children’s books and Bibles for parents and carers to read to and with their children. We want to provide resources for the Greek-speaking church to further the work of taking the good news about Jesus to our neighbours.

Priscilla has established its own publishing house, “Σπόρος” (Sporos). Sporos means seed and our prayer is that God will use these books, which seek to communicate the good news about Jesus, as seeds of truth in the lives of the readers, bearing fruit for generations.

Please pray for us as we continue to hold onto and hold out this word of truth in Athens. We’re grateful for your support! We can’t do this on our own – we need gospel partners who will stand with us in prayer – it’s a beautiful picture of how the Church across the world can have an impact on the local church and vice versa.