Who can go? Anyone who is in Pyro/NLt and any friend you would like to invite.
Who are the leaders? Chris Robertson, Sarah Parrott and Mandy West, with help from Sue Carter and Julia Robertson.
Why are we going? To have fun, worship and listen to God and pray together, and get to know and support each other better as a group.
What is Micklepage? A farmhouse and converted barn. It is really peaceful and feels like it is the middle of nowhere – but in fact is easily accessible if anyone has to duck out for a few hours for whatever reason.
What if you can’t make the whole weekend? As long as you let us know in advance and we have a consent form you can turn up late, pop out to ski/work or whatever, or leave early.
What will be doing? Loads: Ready, Steady, Cook – Learning how to connect with God and the Bible – Cauldron of Fire – Maybe a walk to find mud (easy) and a mobile signal (hard) – Games in the light – Games in the dark (if you like) – Prayer – Cake making – Cake eating – Checking out the chapel on site – Bedtime drinks – Sardines – Just chilling and de-stressing.
How much will it cost? The cost per person is £43 which includes accommodation and all food. Please make cheques payable to Youth Festival Horsham or transfer to sort code 30-94-41, account number 00570093. Any problems with finance talk to Chris – this won’t be a problem.
Things you need to do before you go – Fill in and return a consent form, signed by parent/guardian. Provide payment for the weekend to Chris. Please could you get these to us before the day.