Events Coming Up at St John’s

Events Coming Up at St John’s

Tuesday 12 June – Early Bird Café 8.45-10.00

Bring along your friends for Fair Trade coffee/tea, buttered toast with jam, or

marmalade, biscuits. Read the papers and have a chat. No charge but donations welcome.

Followed by T@T Women’s Ministry 10.15 in MR3

Chapter 4 of ‘The new Civic Religion: Humanism and the future of Christianity’ by Patrick Sookhdeo led by Lesley Ward.

Wednesday 13 June Tea & Fellowship

Open to all elderly folk in Broadbridge Heath. This month a garden lunch will be held.

Thursday 14 June – Kinderoo 10-11.00 am Baby and Toddler Group

Baby and Toddler Group providing a popular and welcoming play environment. All pre-school children and their carers are welcome. Entrance fee is only £2 per family which includes refreshments

Friday 15 June – Friday Fellowship 10-11.30 am in various locations

Mum’s bible study group with an informal creche for pre-school children.

Saturday 16 June to Saturday 23 June Horsham Performer’s Platform will be taking place at St John’s Church. Please come along to support.

Tuesday 19 June – Early Bird Café 8.45-10.00

Followed by T@T Women’s Ministry 10.15 in MR3

Wednesday 20 June – Village Lunch 12 for 12.30

All welcome to join us for good food and fellowship. Cost £4. Menu is Sausage Plait followed by Lemon Pudding.